Movie Lesbian Psycho Roommates
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Lesbian Psycho Roommates
Lesbian Psycho Roommates
Elexis needs a new place to live, and lesbian couple Misty and Lindsey have a beautiful room for rent. But what happened to the girls’ previous roommate, and why are her clothes still hanging in the closet? Elexis quickly grows suspicious of the gorgeous blonde and brunette. Have the sinister young couple finally picked the wrong victim? Unexpected twists and turns take the viewer on a ride of seduction, deception and sweet revenge.
Elexis needs a new place to live, and lesbian couple Misty and Lindsey have a beautiful room for rent. But what happened to the girls’ previous roommate, and why are her clothes still hanging in the closet? Elexis quickly grows suspicious of the gorgeous blonde and brunette. Have the sinister young couple finally picked the wrong victim? Unexpected twists and turns take the viewer on a ride of seduction, deception and sweet revenge.
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