Movie Macbeth Act 1: To Be The King
Bluebird Films
Amy Azurra, Ben Dover, Bonny Bon, Brooke Jameson, Candy Manson, Gabriela Glazer, Gilda Goy, Kaia Kane, Kat Lee, Katie Kaliana, Kit Lee, Lucy Love, Paul Chaplin, Pippa Dee, Steve Holmes
Macbeth Act 1: To Be The King
Act I begins by the trio of ‘Sex Sistersâ™ developing sexual tension with their dirty mouths and caldron of lustful energies. “Fair is foul and foul is fair,” they repeat and we all know what that means: all is fair amidst love and war. Theatrical effects and set design swirl and pan into a developing heated argument. The result is thus, a sultry group-sex-orgy between the royalty and submissive messengers and slave girls.
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