Movie The Jeffersons: A XXX Parody
Video Team
Ace, Capri Styles, Delotta Brown, Jack Lawrence, Jada Fire, Jessica Bangkok, Marie Luv, Tyler Knight
The Jeffersons: A XXX Parody
There’s Much Mo’ Movin’ On Up!
Lionel is movin’ on up and about to be a married man. The Jeffersons’ neighbors are throwing a little engagment paty before the men head out for a wild bachelor party. George and his smart ass housekeeper Florence gripe at each other until the sexual tension has to be broken in the laundry room. Lionel gets a little too wild, breaking the heart of his lovely Jenny. Weezy finally gets some from her man, and the Willis’ have some hot, interracial relations. The Jeffersons are triple X the way you always imagined them to be.
Lionel is movin’ on up and about to be a married man. The Jeffersons’ neighbors are throwing a little engagment paty before the men head out for a wild bachelor party. George and his smart ass housekeeper Florence gripe at each other until the sexual tension has to be broken in the laundry room. Lionel gets a little too wild, breaking the heart of his lovely Jenny. Weezy finally gets some from her man, and the Willis’ have some hot, interracial relations. The Jeffersons are triple X the way you always imagined them to be.
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