Movie Rose, la Fille du Sud
Made in France
Rose, la Fille du Sud
Sex, sun and idleness: a day in the daily Rose, the hottest girls in the south! Small Mediterranean bomb, Rose runs the perfect love with Rick, her husband who fills her with gifts and surprises? But Rick is a very busy man, who spends longdays at work and accumulates overtime. Rose, who loves men too much to be alone, has found the way to never get bored: when Rick is at work, the slut joins her lover Tony, who offers him long sex sessions on the couch and makes him taste The pleasures of sodomy … For his part, Rick also hides a little secret: we must find a way to make the job attractive, so this young boss is having a good time with Caro, his secretary cougar who does not miss not an opportunity to lean over the desk and raise her skirt …
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