Movie Barely Legal 5
Belladonna, Cheyne Collins, Chris Cannon, Clive McLean, Gauge, Jesse V., Mark Anthony, Mojo, Paige Sinclair, Ray Danger, Synful
Barely Legal 5
“The hottest selling series in America!”
Are you tired of X-rated chick flicks where surgically enhanced broads in cheerleading outfits masquerade as teenagers? Wanna see how real girls do it? Check out Barely Legal #5. This awesome collection delivers a banquet of tasty just-legal hotties from rustic nymphos to city-slick brats. “Pussy in Boots” tell the story of a cowgirl who’s ridden hard and put away wet. In “Poolside Poke,” Daddy’s little princess returns from an all-girl reform school fluent in the art of lesbian love. That’s only a taste in Barely Legal #5. Watch this movie and penetrate the secret world of licit young ladies. “We’re wild, hot 18-year-old girls who like to fuck all night. Think you can handle it?”
Are you tired of X-rated chick flicks where surgically enhanced broads in cheerleading outfits masquerade as teenagers? Wanna see how real girls do it? Check out Barely Legal #5. This awesome collection delivers a banquet of tasty just-legal hotties from rustic nymphos to city-slick brats. “Pussy in Boots” tell the story of a cowgirl who’s ridden hard and put away wet. In “Poolside Poke,” Daddy’s little princess returns from an all-girl reform school fluent in the art of lesbian love. That’s only a taste in Barely Legal #5. Watch this movie and penetrate the secret world of licit young ladies. “We’re wild, hot 18-year-old girls who like to fuck all night. Think you can handle it?”
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