Movie Private Specials 162: Hot Hitchhikers
Alana Moon, Frank Thring, Kitana Lure, Luna Rival, Monique Woods, Raul Lora, Suzy Rainbow
Private Specials 162: Hot Hitchhikers
Private’s tender teens have an unquenchable hunger for travel, amongst other things, but they haven’t got two pennies to rub together! What they lack in finances they sure make up for with tight teen bodies and pussy riding talents that they use to scowl the globe, uncovering life’s many mysteries along the way through wild anal adventures and cock gobbling escapades. When these daring divas cum across a car filled with hard cock they don’t just stick out their thumbs, they spread their long luscious legs and earn their travels. Get ready for the wildest road trip on Earth with Alana Moon, Kitana Lure, Luna Rival, Monique Woods and Suzy Rainbow in Hot Hitchhikers!
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