Movie She Male Samba Mania 44
Third World Media
She Male Samba Mania 44
Nicoly is a sweet and sexy brunette tranny with a super thick booty and big round tits that are ready to pop. Below her giant boobs is a tight mid section which leads directly to the meaty surprise hiding in wait between her legs. Her sack dangles as her foreskin capped sirloin gets ready to be served. Her man friend wastes little time getting it plump, hot and ready to jab at the back of his throat and later on deep inside his shit chute. He fucks her first, but she handles him even better, shredding his chamber as her thick butt cheeks lead the charge toward a fat scattering of Brazilian made salty-clear-steak-sauce on his butt cheeks. He finishes her off with a back full of cum that coats her from top to bottom. They shower together and clean things up a bit.
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