Movie The Broken Bed
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Chloe Couture, Darcie Dolce, Elsa Jean, Jane Wilde, Kenzie Reeves, Lexi Lore, Lyra Law, Scarlett Sage, Stills By Alan
The Broken Bed
Broken Bed, The
Darcie Dolce is fucking her ex-girlfriend upstairs and is making a lot of noise. When Darcie comes downstairs, she knocks on Kenzie’s door and asks if she can come in to share the bed. Elsa Jean is bored so when she jumps on Lexi’s bed, she moons her and starts laughing. Lexi tells her to stop but Elsa is horny and wants her attention. Jane can hear Chloe Cherry from the bath and when she gets up to have a look, she catches Chloe in the act. When Scarlett comes down the stairs to greet her friend, her mother seems to be giving Scarlett the third degree. If the girls are spending the night watching movies, what are they all dolled up for?
Darcie Dolce is fucking her ex-girlfriend upstairs and is making a lot of noise. When Darcie comes downstairs, she knocks on Kenzie’s door and asks if she can come in to share the bed. Elsa Jean is bored so when she jumps on Lexi’s bed, she moons her and starts laughing. Lexi tells her to stop but Elsa is horny and wants her attention. Jane can hear Chloe Cherry from the bath and when she gets up to have a look, she catches Chloe in the act. When Scarlett comes down the stairs to greet her friend, her mother seems to be giving Scarlett the third degree. If the girls are spending the night watching movies, what are they all dolled up for?
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