Movie Bienvenue chez les ch’tites coquines
JTC Video
Cecilia Vega, Charlotte De Castille, Eva Karera, Fabien Lafait, Lou Charmelle, Sebastian Barrio, Tony Carrera, Vicky Vicci
Bienvenue chez les ch’tites coquines
Antoine Pignole is married to Eva but her constant depressive mood is driving him mad. In order to cheer her up, he decides to go on vacation in the Canaries islands. Sadly, terrorist attacks, repetitive strikes and over booked hotels force him to change his plans and choose a small hotel in the north of France. For his wife, the “north” is like hell and Antoine will go on vacation alone. To his surprise, he will discover a very nice place, charming people and very welcoming women. Sebastian, the hotel’s cook will make him meet all the naughty girls in town. When hellish holidays turn into heaven.
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