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Home Fun Sex
Home Fun Sex
Brushing your hair is a daily task. If I do not do it every day it gets tangled up. I know he’s looking at me. He wants me. He comes over and takes my brush off. He combs my hair and immediately turns and kisses me hard. The brush falls to the floor and he takes me to the bed. He asks me to grab a beam while he penetrates me. Brushing your hair is a daily task.
Brushing your hair is a daily task. If I do not do it every day it gets tangled up. I know he’s looking at me. He wants me. He comes over and takes my brush off. He combs my hair and immediately turns and kisses me hard. The brush falls to the floor and he takes me to the bed. He asks me to grab a beam while he penetrates me. Brushing your hair is a daily task.
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