Movie Private Life Of 11: The Private Life Of Dora Venter
Alex Mantegna, Bob Terminator, Choky Ice, Claudia Jamsson, David Perry, Dora Venter, Gabriella Dion, Leslie Taylor, Mike Foster, Monique Covet, Nick Lang, Sheila Scott, Tiffany Diamond, Tony De Sergio
Formerly a nurse on one of Budapest’s emergency wards, the delectable Dora Venter decided to fulfill her secret ambition of acting in a porn movie and taking the plunge she walked into an agents office and set herself firmly on the road to success. That was a memorable day for Dora, and a lucky day for all of us. The nurses uniform might be a fetish fantasy, but what lies underneath it is simply mind blowing! From Tanya Hyde to the ardent annals of ancient Rome in the Private Gladiator, Dora takes us through her rich and varied repertoire that has led her halfway around the globe from Austria to Israel and Budapest to the Adriatic, always in the pursuit of pleasure and always in the company of the most capable cocksmen!
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