Movie Married But Horny 9
Swank Digital
Married But Horny 9
I’ve been so lonely recently. Hubby is gone overseas for a long business trip. He had promised to bring me along, but it didn’t happen. All alone in our bed I pleasure myself. I’ve been playing with my clit. It hasn’t been stopping bothering me and my pussy is all wet. I reached a few satisfying orgasms since my husband left, but I know it will not do. I need something else, I need that pussy of mine to be drilled deep and hard. I fantasize a lot. I know that I’m going to be cheating pretty soon. Just thinking about doing this makes me cum again. I know this stud my girlfriends and I use when we’re really in need of an extra-marital fuck. I think I’ll give him a call tomorrow. I can’t wait sucking on his stiff dick and offering wide open all my wet holes…
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