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Movie The Real Buttwoman Returns
Elegant Angel
The Real Buttwoman Returns
Elegant Angel presents “THE REAL BUTTWOMAN RETURNS – ALEXIS TEXAS”. In The Real Buttwoman Returns our girl Alexis Texas reprises her role as the greatest Buttwoman of all time!. Alexis is back after an almost 3 year break from the biz. Since her porn debut in 2007, the curvy Texan has been know for her amazing colossal booty, voluptuous body, and beautiful face. This latest installment brings Alexis’ huge comeback featuring 2 ANAL scenes and HER 1st GANGBANG!!!!!!!. Not only does Alexis star but she also directs this big budget masterpiece bringing her vision of what Buttwoman should be. Alexis takes the viewer on a visually stunning, playful and passionate journey featuring extended teases, intense hardcore sex and climaxing in her 1st Gang Bang!! For the true Alexis Texas and big booty fans out there! Starring Alexis Texas, Abella Danger and Blair Williams. Enjoy!!
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