Midnight Obsession

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Midnight Obsession

Category: Feature, italian
Released: 2011

When a young American woman gets caught attempting to smuggle contraband across borders, she opens herself up to exploitation by a multitude of perverts. Shuffled from detention center to detention center as she awaits the legal process, she encounters all manner of horny bureaucrats who relish the thought of getting a fresh piece of American ass as a conquest of their job. So, ladies, be careful what you use latex condoms for because agencies such as Homeland Security in the U.S. as well as its foreign counterparts are keen on looking in places where one would not expect. At travel departure gates one may be expected to bend over for more than a quickie these days, where a gaggle of ogling men in uniforms gets their jollies off by exercising the power of their position. That’s what happens to the protagonist in this film. Let’s see how she extricates herself from this Midnight Obsession.

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