Movie Private Black Label 29: Private Cafe
Alban Ceray, Andrea Morali, Luisa de Marco, Paul Amato, Ramon Nomar, Robby Blake, Sabina Black, Sandra Russo, Sophie Evans, Sugar Babe, Toni Ribas, Xavi Dominguez
Private Black Label 29: Private Cafe
After leaving her husband due to his outrageous unfaithfulness, Donna decides to apply for a waitress job at Private Cafe, an elegant and discreet place where she will meet sweet Rachel, playful Kitty, Siliva the nympho and Rose, wife of James Cole, a millionaire who despises her and makes her have intercourse with his bodyguards in his presence. A cocktail with the best girls as the main ingredient, that will quench your thirst in the most perverse way.
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