Movie Ghetto Ass Smash
Evasive Angles
Charlie Mac, Jadah Kiss, Jonny Slim, Mi'yamme Spice, Mizz Luvli Black, Phoenix, Poison Ivy XXX, Rock The Icon
Ghetto Ass Smash
“In the hood it’s all about big butts unless she has a ghetto ass or she ain’t shit! Evasive has lined up some serious XXXL asses! Cover girl Poison Ivy is the mother you always wanted to fuck! Her 33 year old perfectly round and giant ass will have you so thirsty, a big gulp wouldn’t help you quench your thirst! Poison Ivy has a 52 inch ass! CAN YOU HEAR ME!?!
“Poison loves to show what she has and she can suck dick like crazy. Her pussy is so fat, wet, pretty and bomb she will have you for dinner right there, but when she gives up the ass then that’s when you get thirsty! You will bust quick and beg for more! That’s when she puts it on, you gotta wait the thirst kicks in then Poison Ivy truly becomes poisonous!
“Poison loves to show what she has and she can suck dick like crazy. Her pussy is so fat, wet, pretty and bomb she will have you for dinner right there, but when she gives up the ass then that’s when you get thirsty! You will bust quick and beg for more! That’s when she puts it on, you gotta wait the thirst kicks in then Poison Ivy truly becomes poisonous!
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