Movie Size Matters
Bluebird Films
Big Pike, Charisma Cappelli, Danny Mountain, Harmony, Madison James, Mick Blue, Natalie Norton, Shawn Diesel, Shawna Lenee, Voodoo
Size Matters
Some girls just need a bit more… sometimes… Madison James tries to handle more inches then she’s ever seen before in her life. She manages to swallow a huge cock without any trouble. Shawna Lenee had been on the road touring for the past few weeks before we filmed her so she was nice and tight, and she couldn’t get enough. Charisma Capelli says she prefers smaller dicks so will “Daddy’s Little Girl” (her tattoo right above her pussy) survive? Natalie Norton says,”Big Cocks don’t fit in my pussy.” Yet she seems to be the one screaming the loudest out of everybody we shot. Harmony is very hardcore and says she prefers two dicks in her pussy at one time, but she’s willing to settle for one huge cock up her ass.
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