Movie British Anal Invasion
Tight End Productions
Ben Dover, Chloe James, Donna Warner, George James, Harley D, Lee Francis, Lisa Ashleigh, Marino, Mark, P.J. Sommers, Quel
British Anal Invasion
“As you might have guessed from the title, this video is chock-full of lusty Limey birds who bend over backwards to show how much they want to be in porn. While hardly the most original hardcore venture you’re likely to see, for those who like naturally voluptuous vixens and lilting English accents this one should fit the bill spectacularly well. The gals here are all fresh-faced and eager to please, ready to do anything and everything in their pursuit of on-screen thrills. Donna Warner is probably the best-known of the lot and she lives up to her ribald rep with a torrid little scorcher of a scene. Donna’s ardor for back door boffing seemingly knows no bounds and she really seems to get carried away here. Chloe James is another gal you’ll be thinking about long after this one’s over. Chloe exudes a healthy sexual hunger from the moment she steps on screen, and she lives up to every promise her mouthwatering body makes. P.J. Sommers shows that she’s a real up and comer as she goes double-duty to please, while gorgeous Ashleigh proves herself to be as nasty as they come. All in all, this one’s a great slice of gonzo-style heat from merry old England, a fine addition to any carnal collection.”
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