Movie Scenes From A Cell
Vivid Premium
Alan Stafford, Angela Stone, Austin Kincaid, Charles Dera, Grace Wylder, Jay Ashley, Kayden Kross, Lanny Barbi, Paulina James
Scenes From A Cell
Being in jail sucks. The food’s bad, the wardrobe a drag, and the guards are obnoxious. But most of all, jail sucks because of the boredom. There’s nothing to do. Nothing to see. Nothing to play with… except yourself, and your girlfriends. So when the girls begin sharing stories, it quickly becomes a challenge to come up with a story featuring the hardest nipples, the biggest cock, the most orgasms, and the wildest sexual exploit. And when challenged, a girl has no choice but to turn her words into actions. See what happens when Lanny and her cellmates redefine hard time in the slammer!
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