Lola Au Manoir Du Vice

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Lola Au Manoir Du Vice

Director: Marc Dorcel
Released: 2015

Follow the magnificent LOLA REVE’s adventures at the MANOR OF VICE, the place where no fantasy is forbidden. Having spent his life exploiting the innocent of the women he had come across, this powerful porn tycoon has finally decided to redeem himself. In his luxurious manor, he welcomes his former mistresses’ daughters, such as young Lola, and offers them a fresh start … in porn. As soon as she arrives, Lola is washed and taken to a room where she is blindfolded. She will soon find herself at the heart of an intense sexual frenzy, in the company of two gorgeous sluts and a forceful lover. Meanwhile, the tycoon is quenching his thirst for pleasure with a young redhead who burns with desire. After coming on her beautiful chest, he will take pleasure in watching her. After a few weeks at the manor of vice, Lola is no longer the same woman. Confident, she knows what she wants, and can let go completely, as she is about to do with two men in this incredible double penetration scene, which is as hardcore as you can get!

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