Movie Juicy Sex Scandals
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Juicy Sex Scandals
The Nastier the Better!
Take a peek behind the scenes of Channel 3, the nastiest news channel on the air! Titillating Tiara is Tracey, and eager beaver newscaster who’ll go to any lengths to win sweeps week and be #1. But, her unscrupulous news partner has his own sordid plan to be #1 and uses his busty blonde girlfriend to seduce a popular political figure who just happens to be a woman! But, his plan backfires and he finds himself in a very compromising position! Find out who will be #1 and just how down & dirty they get!
Take a peek behind the scenes of Channel 3, the nastiest news channel on the air! Titillating Tiara is Tracey, and eager beaver newscaster who’ll go to any lengths to win sweeps week and be #1. But, her unscrupulous news partner has his own sordid plan to be #1 and uses his busty blonde girlfriend to seduce a popular political figure who just happens to be a woman! But, his plan backfires and he finds himself in a very compromising position! Find out who will be #1 and just how down & dirty they get!
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