Movie Seduced By a Real Lesbian 8
Lethal Hardcore
Ashley Rober, Capri Anderson, Heather Summers, Jamey Janes, Kiara Diane, Sabrina Maree, Teagan Summers, Vanessa Cage
Seduced By a Real Lesbian 8
Vanessa and Kiara were excited about going to the club, but they ended up discovering how much fun they could have caressing and licking each others bodies at home! Capri is a bad influence on her friend Teagan, she convinced her to ditch class, smoke cigarettes and eat pussy. Sabrina has always been her pal Heather`s shoulder to cry on, so she decided to repay the favor by going down on her sweet twat and sucking on her ample breasts. Jamey was depressed about her hubby`s cheating ways so she came over to sunbathe with Ashley who cheered her up by passionately kissing her all over and sucking on her clit until she came hard!
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