Movie Bacchanale
Amero Brothers
Bobby Niles, Brown, Chuck Federico, D.B. Brown, Darcy, Darcy Brown, Harry Reems, Jason Russell, Larue, Lydia Burns, Pat Agers, Patricia Kleb, Roberta Findlay, Roberta Scardera, Tina Russell, Uta Erickson
This erotic exploitation film uses a dream-fantasy sequence to stage the sex scenes. A woman fantasizes she is the top model and the corpse at a fashion-show/funeral combo. The obligatory lesbian scene involves her going to the cave of a high priestess for some hands-on healing. She also strips in a graveyard and sees the ghost of her brother who was killed in Vietnam. In an unusual move for general-release sex films, it also contains a substantial amount of male-to-male sex.
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