Movie Private Tropical 1 – Sex Survivors
Alissa, Elza Brown, Francesco Malcom, George Uhl, Joachim Kessef, Jodie Moore, Mandy Bright, Manuel Ferrara, Petra Short, Philippe Dean, Sandy Style, Sebastian Barrio, Valentina Valli
Private Tropical 1 – Sex Survivors
Five men are left stranded on an island. They must survive and compete with one another whilst being followed by a camera team 24 hours a day. Their goal is to leave the forest and make for a village where the women live. The first man to reach the female enclave has the right to do whatever he wishes until the others catch up. Then, the women decide which members of the group must leave because at the end of the game only one man will remain. He will choose his favorite from among the women and the couple become the winners of the first edition. Attori: Alissa, Elza Brown, Jodie Moore, Mandy Bright, Valentina Valli, Petra Short, Sandy Style Francesco Malcom, George Uhl, Joachim Kessef, Manuel Ferrara, Max Bellocchio, Philippe Dean, Sebastian Barrio
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