Movie Le Principe De Plaisir
Bison, Coralie, Daniela, Dru Berrymore, Fovea, H.P.G., Karen Lancaume, Lee Ann, Lucie, Manais, Melinda, Mikuchan, Philippe, Sebastian, Titof
Le Principe De Plaisir
German fuck-bunny Dru Berrymore stars as a no-nonsense porn producer who tries to get her latest movie in the can. The location is an abandoned mansion. During the shoot the performers and the crew enjoy their very own behind-the-scenes adventures: first off is a cooking threesome with Dru, the maid and the janitor. Before he cums all over the girls? behinds, the janitor sticks some daisies up their butt-cracks! Nice touch. The next scene sees two lesbians fucking each other with paintbrushes! The highlights of the movie are an all-out orgy under the open sky, and a tender scene of love-making between Dru?s shy, bespectacled secretary and the lead actor, respectively.
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