Movie Swap It Out
Digital Playground
BiBi Jones, Bill Bailey, Danny Mountain, Erik Everhard, Lia Lor, Liza Del Sierra, Mandy Armani, Manuel Ferrara
Swap It Out
Bibi Jones boyfriend, Bill Bailey has had a taste of the good life for far too long. He wakes up everyday to bang the beautiful blonde whose appetite for sex is insatiable, but he’s over it. With his buddies, Manuel Ferrara and Erik Everhard, Bill plots the ultimate switch up; to swap girlfriends! Erik passes luscious Lia Lor over to Manuel for a hardcore ride. Manuel returns the favor by bringing waitress Mandy Armani back from the local bar for an intimate encounter with Erik. Bill hooks up Erik with blindfolded Liza Del Sierra in a bait and switch sex session. Bibi get revenge on her boyfriend in a hot sex romp with his buddy; the unsuspecting Danny Mountain!
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