Movie Dp Virgins
Reality Junkies
Dp Virgins
Angel is attending a house party. . . music is great. . . but there’s a loser guy constantly hitting on her, telling her to get with him because he’s a ‘baller’ . . . she gets pissed and throws her drink on him. Finally, the real ‘ballers’ come in and Angel decides to show them how to have fun in the club filling all her holes with their huge cocks! Danny and Morgan has been together for 6 months and Morgan wants to get more experimental in the bedroom. Danny is conservative. . . but agrees with her fantasy of a DP. . . so they invite Danny’s bestfriend Chad over for double the action! Trisha’s dad is angry. . . she had bad grades on her report card. . . so he grounds her. Her dad heads to the living room, with the boys watching Sunday football. During halftime he goes out to buy some more beer and food. . . little does he know Trisha is …
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