Movie House Sitter
Wicked Pictures
Barrett Blade, Brad Armstrong, Derrick Pierce, Exotica, Jasmine Byrne, Jenaveve Jolie, Jessica Drake, Joey Ray, Kelly Wells, Kris Knight, Lauren Phoenix, Randy Spears, Shy Love, Tommy Gunn, Tylene Buck
House Sitter
She Has Him Just Where He Wants Her
From director Brad Armstrong comes an emotional thriller that will mesmerize the mind and excite the senses. Teresa (Jessica Drake) is a house sitter with a long list of references. Kevin Kline (Randy Spears) is a thief with a long rap sheet. Their lives collide when Kline begins an unrelenting journey to gain entry to the house and take something that belongs to him. He watches her every move with calculated precision, planning, plotting.
From director Brad Armstrong comes an emotional thriller that will mesmerize the mind and excite the senses. Teresa (Jessica Drake) is a house sitter with a long list of references. Kevin Kline (Randy Spears) is a thief with a long rap sheet. Their lives collide when Kline begins an unrelenting journey to gain entry to the house and take something that belongs to him. He watches her every move with calculated precision, planning, plotting.
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