Movie His Father’s Legacy
Pure Taboo
His Father’s Legacy
His Father’s Legacy
Natasha (Lisey Sweet) returns home with her 18-year-old stepson, Edwin (Codey Steele), after a will reading for her late husband (Edwin’s father). Edwin suggests getting started with clearing out his late father’s things. They decide to begin with a storage locker that the late father owned. Natasha and Edwin are horrified and repulsed as they uncover a BDSM dungeon, realizing that the father had a secret life.
Natasha (Lisey Sweet) returns home with her 18-year-old stepson, Edwin (Codey Steele), after a will reading for her late husband (Edwin’s father). Edwin suggests getting started with clearing out his late father’s things. They decide to begin with a storage locker that the late father owned. Natasha and Edwin are horrified and repulsed as they uncover a BDSM dungeon, realizing that the father had a secret life.
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