Movie The Ribald Tales of Canterbury
Caballero Home Video
Beverly Bliss, Bud Lee, Buffy Davis, Chuck Martino, Colleen Brennan, Hyapatia Lee, Jesse Eastern, Jon Martin, Marc Wallice, Mike Horner, Paige Turner, Patti Petite, Peter North, Steve Taylor
The Ribald Tales of Canterbury
In Days of Old When Knights Were Bold, and Lusty Ladies Were Bawdy… You’ll Find This Tale of Canterbury is Definitely Very Naughty!
Hyapatia Lee is your hostess in the most erotic version of Geoffrey Chaucer’s 13th century classic you’ll ever see! The sets are fabulous, the costumes sensational, and the sex is hotter than HOT. Join in the lusty merriment as a group of pilgrims recounts one ribald tale after another on their way to Canterbury.
Hyapatia Lee is your hostess in the most erotic version of Geoffrey Chaucer’s 13th century classic you’ll ever see! The sets are fabulous, the costumes sensational, and the sex is hotter than HOT. Join in the lusty merriment as a group of pilgrims recounts one ribald tale after another on their way to Canterbury.
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