Movie Hard At Work
Hard At Work
Hard At Work
A hard man is good to find, so when Cristal hires a handyman to do some work around the house she invites him to work her body as well. Serving customers as a waiter takes great patience, but when the customer is as hot as Silvie, servicing her is a pleasure. Katy thought she would just be modeling lingerie, but when she found herself attracted to the photographer, the photo shoot became even more erotic. An unexpected visit from her boyfriend gives Chef Dolly the sexually charged break she needed. Elena was preparing her schedule but a rock hard cock was a welcome distraction.
A hard man is good to find, so when Cristal hires a handyman to do some work around the house she invites him to work her body as well. Serving customers as a waiter takes great patience, but when the customer is as hot as Silvie, servicing her is a pleasure. Katy thought she would just be modeling lingerie, but when she found herself attracted to the photographer, the photo shoot became even more erotic. An unexpected visit from her boyfriend gives Chef Dolly the sexually charged break she needed. Elena was preparing her schedule but a rock hard cock was a welcome distraction.
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