Movie FamilyStrokes – Adira Allure, Filthy Rich – Stepdaughter Sperm Send Off
Family Strokes
Adira sucks and fucks while her mom takes a rest on the couch next to them, and her stepdad covers her eager face in hot cum!
Adira Allure is going to be heading off to college soon, and her stepdad is sad to see her go. To relive some of their good memories, he puts on one of their favorite movies to watch together. That gives Adira the idea to bounce on her stepdads lap and play pony like she used to. But after a little bit of bouncing, Adira starts to feel something hard under her butt. She realizes it is her stepdads rock hard cock, and soon she is ready to show him just how much he is going to miss him. She grinds on his boner, and somehow manages to keep it a secret from her nosy mom when she comes in to watch the movie! Adira sucks and fucks while her mom takes a rest on the couch next to them, and her stepdad covers her eager face in hot cum. What a great way to send her off!
Adira Allure is going to be heading off to college soon, and her stepdad is sad to see her go. To relive some of their good memories, he puts on one of their favorite movies to watch together. That gives Adira the idea to bounce on her stepdads lap and play pony like she used to. But after a little bit of bouncing, Adira starts to feel something hard under her butt. She realizes it is her stepdads rock hard cock, and soon she is ready to show him just how much he is going to miss him. She grinds on his boner, and somehow manages to keep it a secret from her nosy mom when she comes in to watch the movie! Adira sucks and fucks while her mom takes a rest on the couch next to them, and her stepdad covers her eager face in hot cum. What a great way to send her off!
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