Movie Anna, The Decorator
Les Compères
Anna, The Decorator
Anna, The Decorator / Anna la decoratrice
Anna is an active wife, while her husband, an airline pilot, travels the world, she sets up her own interior design company, her lifelong passion. But work isn’t all fun: Anna has to renovate an old building for a very demanding client, and the deadlines are tight! She does have a site foreman she can count on, but the rascal thinks more about sex than work, and only hires young girls with dream bodies to assist him… As a result, the pretty Candy prefers to have sex with her project manager rather than repainting the living room! Anna tries to remobilize her troops by banging the foreman, with whom she regularly organizes long anal sessions, but it’s this precise moment that the client chooses to land in the building! Fortunately, young Rebecca and her mini shorts are there to make her forget her worries…
Anna is an active wife, while her husband, an airline pilot, travels the world, she sets up her own interior design company, her lifelong passion. But work isn’t all fun: Anna has to renovate an old building for a very demanding client, and the deadlines are tight! She does have a site foreman she can count on, but the rascal thinks more about sex than work, and only hires young girls with dream bodies to assist him… As a result, the pretty Candy prefers to have sex with her project manager rather than repainting the living room! Anna tries to remobilize her troops by banging the foreman, with whom she regularly organizes long anal sessions, but it’s this precise moment that the client chooses to land in the building! Fortunately, young Rebecca and her mini shorts are there to make her forget her worries…
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