Movie Desperate Teens
6AM Studios
Desperate Teens
Desperate Teens
We hit the streets to find young, sexy girls in need of some assistance, who we’re lucky to say, ignore that old adage about talking to strangers! Petite Deena has been craving some ice cream to cool her off, but this ice cream man plans on getting her hotter than ever! Kristina is having car trouble, but lucky for her, our guy cruises up and offers to check things out under her hood. Walking with her bike because of a flat tire, Madison is hesitant at first, but hen is eager to go with our horny friend who sees there’s nothing flat about this teen’s chest! Summer, a naughty little teen, is happy to get in the back of our ice cream truck, to reveal her tasty body and just how well she knows how to use it!
We hit the streets to find young, sexy girls in need of some assistance, who we’re lucky to say, ignore that old adage about talking to strangers! Petite Deena has been craving some ice cream to cool her off, but this ice cream man plans on getting her hotter than ever! Kristina is having car trouble, but lucky for her, our guy cruises up and offers to check things out under her hood. Walking with her bike because of a flat tire, Madison is hesitant at first, but hen is eager to go with our horny friend who sees there’s nothing flat about this teen’s chest! Summer, a naughty little teen, is happy to get in the back of our ice cream truck, to reveal her tasty body and just how well she knows how to use it!
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