Movie Shauna Sand Exposed
Shauna Sand
Shauna Sand Exposed
Vivid.com Features Excerpt of Blonde Bombshell and Former Playboy Playmate from “Shauna Sand Exposed
Shauna Sand splashed onto the celebrity scene with her Playboy Playmate of the Month centerfold in May, 1996. In April of that year she married Lorenzo Lamas, star of the Renegade TV series, whom she met through a guest appearance on the series. They had three children together and got divorced in 2005 but are still friends.
Shauna Sand splashed onto the celebrity scene with her Playboy Playmate of the Month centerfold in May, 1996. In April of that year she married Lorenzo Lamas, star of the Renegade TV series, whom she met through a guest appearance on the series. They had three children together and got divorced in 2005 but are still friends.
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