Movie About Jessica
Wicked Pictures
Barrett Blade, Dale DaBone, Danni Cole, Ivy Winters, Jessica Drake, Kiara Diane, Marcus London, Seth Gamble, T.J. Cummings
About Jessica
About Jessica
To ease her roommate Ivy Winters through a relationship-induced depression, jessica drake and sexy gal pal Kiara Diane take her out on the town. During their attempts to find “Mr. Right Now”, jessica meets Jim, a cocky guy who is just her type. His brother Tom invites her back to a bachelor party, but when she unexpectedly turns up at the hotel, she gets more than she bargained for. Shocked and hurt, she runs away him and takes solace in her friends’ arms. And just when you think it’s over, her friends come through, saving the day and a new romance.
To ease her roommate Ivy Winters through a relationship-induced depression, jessica drake and sexy gal pal Kiara Diane take her out on the town. During their attempts to find “Mr. Right Now”, jessica meets Jim, a cocky guy who is just her type. His brother Tom invites her back to a bachelor party, but when she unexpectedly turns up at the hotel, she gets more than she bargained for. Shocked and hurt, she runs away him and takes solace in her friends’ arms. And just when you think it’s over, her friends come through, saving the day and a new romance.
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