Movie Apocalypse Climax I
Damien Michaels, Ferenc, Jon Dough, Kyle Stone, Laura Palmer, Linda, Melissa Hill, Nic Cramer, Stephania, Tammi Ann, Whit Masterson, Yves Le Prince
Apocalypse Climax I
Apocalypse Climax I
The director Nic Cramer and Private are the creators of “Apocalypse Climax”, a fascinating vision of the darker side of sex. What at first sight seems to be a routine military mission, led by Lieutenant Shane Willbiehardt (John Dough) and the mysterious and seductive Colonel Flurtz (Melissa Hill), soon ends up becoming a sexual odyssey with the intervention of a retinue of beautiful allied KGB agents and insatiable Vietcong nymphomaniacs…
The director Nic Cramer and Private are the creators of “Apocalypse Climax”, a fascinating vision of the darker side of sex. What at first sight seems to be a routine military mission, led by Lieutenant Shane Willbiehardt (John Dough) and the mysterious and seductive Colonel Flurtz (Melissa Hill), soon ends up becoming a sexual odyssey with the intervention of a retinue of beautiful allied KGB agents and insatiable Vietcong nymphomaniacs…
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