Movie Private Gold 109: The Prime Ministers Sex Tape
Aleska Diamond, Alex Brown, Cindy Hope, Donna Bell, Gianfranco Romagnoli, Kathia Nobili, Kitty Cat, Lauro Giotto, Max Paine, Nick Lang, Regina Moon
Politics, Sex, and Vice!
Are politics sexy? They are in Italy. The Italian Prime Minister impresses visiting foreign dignitaries with glamorous high class hookers; the result is a scandalous sex party that could bring down the government. Two journalists have evidence that the corridors of power heave with big tits, deep anal, tight DP’s and banging orgies. But be careful! You never know who is filming everything you do then selling the sex tape to the highest bidder.
Are politics sexy? They are in Italy. The Italian Prime Minister impresses visiting foreign dignitaries with glamorous high class hookers; the result is a scandalous sex party that could bring down the government. Two journalists have evidence that the corridors of power heave with big tits, deep anal, tight DP’s and banging orgies. But be careful! You never know who is filming everything you do then selling the sex tape to the highest bidder.
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